Ricky Howell
Ricky describes his work as possessing surreal roots, however, he makes it quite clear that he wants to stray away from that word. His subject matter, he describes quite simply as ‘our mess’. Along with his characters and objects as ‘our techno junk floating around on the canvas’. His representational work reflects on today’s technology, saying ‘that the objects are getting so flat and square’, reflecting the times. He adds laughing, ‘there getting easier to paint’. Ricky comments that his inspiration is always influenced by landscapes. He continually seeks to involve a central character, and around it, the junk. ‘The landscape cops the mess’, he adds. His themes constantly change, because of human intervention. He notably adds that as humans we have the ability to change the environment to suit us. Ricky reflects on society in relation to the depth in his paintings, ‘there’s just so much going on’.